SMITTY’S Family Restaurant & Lounge located at 2376 Princess Street
(beside Bennett’s Furniture) is pleased to announce our continuing efforts to
help raise funds for the Easter Seal Society, helping kids with physical
disabilities and their families.
In honour of Shrove Tuesday (Feb.13, 2024) otherwise known as Pancake
Tuesday, Smitty’s is holding our 26TH Annual Pancake Days in Kingston. An
Endless Stack of our Classic Buttermilk Pancakes (for $10.99) will be
available at Smitty’s all day, Feb Tue.13 from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. and Wed. 14 from 8 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. For every order purchased, Smitty’s will donate All $10.99 to the Easter Seals Kids. In addition, on Shrove Tuesday, the serving staff at Smitty’s will graciously contribute all of their tips for the day.
We realize in these difficult times when we are all making so many personal
sacrifices, it is harder than ever to reach out and help others. However the needs
for kids with physical disabilities and their families has never been greater. The
owners and staff at Smitty’s would like to invite the residents of Kingston to
help us help others. It’s what we do! In the past 25 years Smitty’s has raised $92,128.87 for the Easter Seal Kids.
For more information contact Basilia or Randy Loucks at (613) 549-5212.
Event details
February 14, 2024 • 8 am
Smitty's Family Restaurant & Lounge
Easter Seals Kingston Region