A Journey in Time: String Music of the Italian Baroque

The Kingston Baroque Consort (KBC), presents “A Journey in Time: String Music of the Italian Baroque”, the first in a series of four Baroque instrumental concerts, at St James Church, 10 Union St in Kingston. This first concert of the KBC’s inaugural season will feature music for string orchestra, taking you on a musical voyage through Italy starting in the year 1615 with “La Pelegrina” by Tarquinio Merula and finishing up in the early 1700’s with Giuseppe Brivio’s Sinfonia in G major. The KBC is Kingston’s newest orchestra devoted wholly to Historically Informed practice of music from the Baroque era. Founded by Katie Legere, Jeff Hamacher, Julia McFarlane, and Michael Capon, the KBC is a collective of professional musicians drawn from the Kingston Symphony Orchestra and the wider community. A live audience of up to 60 people can be accommodated, with appropriate physical distancing. Tickets cost $20 each, or $60 for a subscription to the four-concert series. For tickets and information visit HERE  call 613-217-5099, or write to legerek@queensu.ca.

Event details


October 15, 2021 • 5 pm


St. James’ Church




The Kingston Baroque Consort